Thursday, December 24, 2009


आपल्याला माहिती आहे का ?
एंडोसलफन मुळे केनसर नाही होत. ही एक अफवा आहे. अमेरिकन एनवायरनमेंट प्रोटेक्शन एजेंसीच्या मान्यता अनुसार एंडोसलफन मुळे केनसर नाही होत. वैज्ञानिक तपास करून हे सिद्ध झाला आहे.

endosulfan in marathi



क्या आप जानते हैं ?
एंडोसलफन से केनसर नही होता. ये अफवाह है. अमेरिकन एनवायरनमेंट प्रोटेक्शन एजेंसी कि मान्यता के अनुसार एंडोसलफन से केनसर नही होता. वैज्ञानिक जांच करने के बाद ये तय हुआ है.

endosulfan in hindi


On July 26, 2007, the European Commission proposed to add Endosulfan to Annexe-D of the Stockholm Convention, suggesting to consider Endosulfan as Persistent Organic Pollutant (POP). However, Endosulfan does not meet crtieria for inclusion in the said Annexe. The EC proposal relied on data of poor integrity. Information from publications of unknown quality is often used instead of standard GLP Guideline-studies which are available for the most important risk assessment endpoints. Moreover, in the proposal, most crucial information on quantitative risk assessment is missing, whcih is a requirement under Annex D, 2.
For evaluating criteria on persistence, the draft dossier (UNEP/POPS/POPRC.3/5) refers mainly to laboratory study results or values generated under artificial conditions, and poor study designs. Recent guideline soil metabolism studies were not considered. It is mentioned in the proposal that half-life of Endosulfan is greater than 200 days in water at pH 5 i.e., under highly acidic condition which does not occur in most of the water resources. Similarly, it also does not meet criteria on bioaccumulation, potential for long range transport and adverse effects. Half life of alpha Endosulfan in water is 22 days and 7 hrs at pH 7 & 9 respectively; and half life of beta Endosulfan is 17 days and 5.1 hrs at pH 7 & 9 respectively
In short, Endosulfan decomposes fast in neutral or slightly alkaline medium. pH of sea water is highly alkaline. pH of human blood is 7.4 which is again on alkaline side.
The EC proposal to consider endosulfan as a POP candidate for further technical review under Annex D of the Stockholm Convention is not based on reliable data.
Read more -

Friday, December 18, 2009

Endosulfan Degradation

Endosulfan degradaion by rhodococcus strain isolated from earthworm gut
Verma K et al. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 2006 Jul;64(3):377-81. Epub 2005 Jul 18
A Rhodococcus MTCC 6716 bacterial strain isolated from the gut microflora of an Indian earthworm (Metaphire posthuma). Endosulfan was used as a carbon source by the strain and degraded it up to 92.58% within 15 days. Furthermore, the isolated strain of the bacterium did not produce the persistent form of the toxic metabolite endosulfan sulfate. This strain exhibits luxury growth in minimal medium with high concentrations of endosulfan (80 microg mL(-1)). Degradation of the endosulfan occurred simultaneously with bacterial growth and an increase in chloride ion (87.1%) in the growth medium, suggesting nearly complete degradation of the insecticide. This strain is able to tolerate 45 degrees C and retain its degradation potential even under sunlight exposure. Since endosulfan is used worldwide for pest control and its residues have been retained for long periods in soil, water, and agricultural products, the strain isolated by us is valuable for bioremediation of endosulfan-contaminated soil and water.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Carcinogenic Potency Database

The carcinogenic potency database is widely used international resource of results of 6540 chronic long-term animal cancer tests on 1547 chemicals. If experimental results are negative, "no positive" appears in the column, which is the case with Endosulfan.

Environmental Activists

Why environmental activists did not make any attempt to spread knowledge on appropriate method of using Endosulfan?

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Pesticide Poisoning

Many farmers are not aware that mishandling of pesticides result in environmental contamination and poisoning. Many of them store pesicides in their homes. Most farmers mix chemicals at potable water sources and clean pesticide containers in streams. Empty containers should not be used to store water and food and they must not be kept accessible to children.
USAID launched farm chemical safety program to train farmers where they learn appropriate method to use pesticides, disposal of used containers, protection of themselves, their families and the environment. A farmer who underwent USAID sponsored training said that it is for the first time that they have received knowledge on the misuse of pesticides in relation to human health. Farmers now store pesticides in locked storage bins outside house and out of children's reach. Chemical mixing sites are now located away from potable water sources.

Victims of Ignorance

If a doctor is unable to diagnose your problem, you need to take a second opinion. Dr. Mohan Kumar was found misleading patients when he failed to diagnose the cause of their disease. He blamed Endosulfan for all symptoms caused due to iodine deficiency. Patients are not being treated for the real cause of their trouble. If doctors would have diagnosed correctly, their problems could have been prevented.
Symptoms of iodine deficiency include thyroid enlargement, goiter, nodules within goiter, pregnency related problems such as miscarriages, stillbirth, preterm delivery and congenital abnormalities in babies. Children of mothers with severe iodine deficiency during pregnency can have mental retardation, problems with growth, hearing and speech, cretinism and low intelligence. Read more on the website of American Thyroid Association.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Government says no ban on Endosulfan pesticide

New Delhi, Dec 4 (PTI) Government has decided not to ban pesticide Endosulfan as its limited use has been found to be good for certain crops, Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar told Rajya Sabha today.