Relief eludes many Endosulfan victims
By Sudipto Mondal
The Hindu, March 20, 2010
"For instance, a 25-year-old man who lost his fingers in dynamite explosion has been given compensation. The list, a copy of which is available with The Hindu, also has several persons who were born with congenital disorders much before the pesticide spray began."
“How can those born 60, 70 or 80 years ago with birth defects have suffered because of endosulfan which was sprayed around 25 years ago?” asked a doctor.
However, the former Minister and MLA Shobha Karandlaje said: “Only genuine sufferers have been compensated.”
Patients Insist Docs to Enroll them in Endosulfan Victims' List
By Kalathil Ramakrishnan
New Indian Express 19 July 2011
Government doctors in the Endosulfan sprayed villages are facing acute pressure from patients suffering from various diseases who insist that they may be enrolled in the endosulfan victims' list.
The Endosulfan Nodal Cell has included as many as 300 diseases in the endosulfan category. Diseases which are commonly found are included in the endosulfan list.