Thursday, December 24, 2009


आपल्याला माहिती आहे का ?
एंडोसलफन मुळे केनसर नाही होत. ही एक अफवा आहे. अमेरिकन एनवायरनमेंट प्रोटेक्शन एजेंसीच्या मान्यता अनुसार एंडोसलफन मुळे केनसर नाही होत. वैज्ञानिक तपास करून हे सिद्ध झाला आहे.

endosulfan in marathi



क्या आप जानते हैं ?
एंडोसलफन से केनसर नही होता. ये अफवाह है. अमेरिकन एनवायरनमेंट प्रोटेक्शन एजेंसी कि मान्यता के अनुसार एंडोसलफन से केनसर नही होता. वैज्ञानिक जांच करने के बाद ये तय हुआ है.

endosulfan in hindi


On July 26, 2007, the European Commission proposed to add Endosulfan to Annexe-D of the Stockholm Convention, suggesting to consider Endosulfan as Persistent Organic Pollutant (POP). However, Endosulfan does not meet crtieria for inclusion in the said Annexe. The EC proposal relied on data of poor integrity. Information from publications of unknown quality is often used instead of standard GLP Guideline-studies which are available for the most important risk assessment endpoints. Moreover, in the proposal, most crucial information on quantitative risk assessment is missing, whcih is a requirement under Annex D, 2.
For evaluating criteria on persistence, the draft dossier (UNEP/POPS/POPRC.3/5) refers mainly to laboratory study results or values generated under artificial conditions, and poor study designs. Recent guideline soil metabolism studies were not considered. It is mentioned in the proposal that half-life of Endosulfan is greater than 200 days in water at pH 5 i.e., under highly acidic condition which does not occur in most of the water resources. Similarly, it also does not meet criteria on bioaccumulation, potential for long range transport and adverse effects. Half life of alpha Endosulfan in water is 22 days and 7 hrs at pH 7 & 9 respectively; and half life of beta Endosulfan is 17 days and 5.1 hrs at pH 7 & 9 respectively
In short, Endosulfan decomposes fast in neutral or slightly alkaline medium. pH of sea water is highly alkaline. pH of human blood is 7.4 which is again on alkaline side.
The EC proposal to consider endosulfan as a POP candidate for further technical review under Annex D of the Stockholm Convention is not based on reliable data.
Read more -

Friday, December 18, 2009

Endosulfan Degradation

Endosulfan degradaion by rhodococcus strain isolated from earthworm gut
Verma K et al. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 2006 Jul;64(3):377-81. Epub 2005 Jul 18
A Rhodococcus MTCC 6716 bacterial strain isolated from the gut microflora of an Indian earthworm (Metaphire posthuma). Endosulfan was used as a carbon source by the strain and degraded it up to 92.58% within 15 days. Furthermore, the isolated strain of the bacterium did not produce the persistent form of the toxic metabolite endosulfan sulfate. This strain exhibits luxury growth in minimal medium with high concentrations of endosulfan (80 microg mL(-1)). Degradation of the endosulfan occurred simultaneously with bacterial growth and an increase in chloride ion (87.1%) in the growth medium, suggesting nearly complete degradation of the insecticide. This strain is able to tolerate 45 degrees C and retain its degradation potential even under sunlight exposure. Since endosulfan is used worldwide for pest control and its residues have been retained for long periods in soil, water, and agricultural products, the strain isolated by us is valuable for bioremediation of endosulfan-contaminated soil and water.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Carcinogenic Potency Database

The carcinogenic potency database is widely used international resource of results of 6540 chronic long-term animal cancer tests on 1547 chemicals. If experimental results are negative, "no positive" appears in the column, which is the case with Endosulfan.

Environmental Activists

Why environmental activists did not make any attempt to spread knowledge on appropriate method of using Endosulfan?

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Pesticide Poisoning

Many farmers are not aware that mishandling of pesticides result in environmental contamination and poisoning. Many of them store pesicides in their homes. Most farmers mix chemicals at potable water sources and clean pesticide containers in streams. Empty containers should not be used to store water and food and they must not be kept accessible to children.
USAID launched farm chemical safety program to train farmers where they learn appropriate method to use pesticides, disposal of used containers, protection of themselves, their families and the environment. A farmer who underwent USAID sponsored training said that it is for the first time that they have received knowledge on the misuse of pesticides in relation to human health. Farmers now store pesticides in locked storage bins outside house and out of children's reach. Chemical mixing sites are now located away from potable water sources.

Victims of Ignorance

If a doctor is unable to diagnose your problem, you need to take a second opinion. Dr. Mohan Kumar was found misleading patients when he failed to diagnose the cause of their disease. He blamed Endosulfan for all symptoms caused due to iodine deficiency. Patients are not being treated for the real cause of their trouble. If doctors would have diagnosed correctly, their problems could have been prevented.
Symptoms of iodine deficiency include thyroid enlargement, goiter, nodules within goiter, pregnency related problems such as miscarriages, stillbirth, preterm delivery and congenital abnormalities in babies. Children of mothers with severe iodine deficiency during pregnency can have mental retardation, problems with growth, hearing and speech, cretinism and low intelligence. Read more on the website of American Thyroid Association.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Government says no ban on Endosulfan pesticide

New Delhi, Dec 4 (PTI) Government has decided not to ban pesticide Endosulfan as its limited use has been found to be good for certain crops, Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar told Rajya Sabha today.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Taskforce established by Queensland Government ruled out involvement of Endosulfan in two-headed fish embryos and other adverse effects

As there were several media reports on possible involvement of the insecticide Endosulfan in two-headed fish embryos and other adverse effects, the Government of Queensland established a task-force for investigations. The task-force has ruled out any possibility of involvement of Endosulfan in said effects.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Height of CARELESSNESS_Death in a toddler following endosulfan ingestion.

This is HEIGHT OF CARELESSNESS. Endosulfan was kept in a soft-drink bottle accessible to a 2.5 year old child. Who is to be blamed?
Death in a toddler following endosulfan ingestion
Prabhu b.
Department of pediatrics, University of Louisville
read more

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Endosulfan Tolerence on Dried Tea

§ 180.182 Endosulfan; tolerances for residues in or on dried tea:
A tolerances of 24 parts per million (ppm) is established for the combined residues of the insecticide endosulfan (alpha and beta isomers) and its metabolite endosulfan sulfate, in or on dried tea (reflecting less than 0.1 ppm residues in beverage tea) resulting from application of the insecticide to growing tea.

Endosulfan; tolerances for residues.

§ 180.182 Endosulfan; tolerances for residues
Electronic Code of Federal regulaions [e-CFR] Data is current as of November 24, 2009
(a) General . (1) Tolerances are established for the combined residues of the insecticide endosulfan (alpha and beta isomers) and its metabolite endosulfan sulfate, in or on the following food commodities:
Commodity - ppm
Alfalfa, forage - 0.3
Alfalfa, hay - 1.0
Almond - 0.3
Almond, hulls - 1.0
Apple, wet pomace-5.0
Barley, grain-0.3
Barley, straw-0.4
Brussels sprouts-2.0
Carrot, roots-0.2
Cattle, fat-13.0
Cattle, liver-5.0
Cattle, meat-2.0
Cattle, meat byproducts, except liver-1.0
Cherry, sweet-2.0
Cherry, tart-2.0
Corn, sweet, forage-12.0
Corn, sweet, kernel plus cob with husks removed-0.2
Corn, sweet, stover-14.0
Cotton, gin byproducts-30.0
Cotton, undelinted seed-1.0
Goat, fat-13.0
Goat, liver-5.0
Goat, meat-2.0
Goat, meat byproducts, except liver-1.0
Hog, fat-13.0
Hog, liver-5.0
Hog, meat-2.0
Hog, meat byproducts, except liver-1.0
Horse, fat-13.0
Horse, liver-5.0
Horse, meat-2.0
Horse, meat byproducts, except liver-1.0
Lettuce, head-11.0
Lettuce, leaf-6.0
Milk, fat-2.0
Mustard greens-2.0
Mustard, seed-0.2
Nut, macadamia-0.2
Oat, grain-0.3
Oat, straw-0.4
Pea, succulent-2.0
Pineapple, process residue-20.0
Plum, prune-2.0
Rapeseed, seed-0.2
Rye, grain-0.3
Rye, straw-0.3
Sheep, fat-13.0
Sheep, liver-5.0
Sheep, meat-2.0
Sheep, meat byproducts, except liver-1.0
Sugarcane, cane-0.5
Sweet potato, roots-0.15
Turnip, roots-0.2
Turnip, tops-2.0
Vegetable, cucurbit, group9 -1.0
Wheat, grain-0.3
Wheat, straw-0.4

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Decision on Endosulfan at Stockholm Convention

The POPRC met in Geneva on 12-16 October 2009 and agreed that the insecticide endosulfan satisfied the criteria as a persistent organic pollutant. Following this decision, the Secretariat of the Convention will now invite all Parties and observers to provide technical comments and socio-economic information to enable the POPRC to evaluate possible control measures for endosulfan.
The outcome of this process will be the development of a draft risk management evaluation that considers such matters as alternatives, assessments of the positive and negative impacts of implementing possible control measures, waste and disposal implications, access to information and public education, and the status of control and monitoring capacity.
This evaluation will be developed and assessed at the next POPRC meeting in October 2010.
If the POPRC agrees that endosulfan passes the risk management evaluation phase, then in May 2011 a Conference of the Parties (to the Convention) will consider this evaluation and decide whether or not to list endosulfan and which control measure (ranging from restriction to elimination) is appropriate.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Endosulfan - Recommendations of Expert Committee

Government constituted Expert Committee under the chairmanship of Dr. C.D. Mayee to evaluate whether there is any link between Endosulfan and alleaged health effects.

Recommendations of the Expert Committee

1. There is no link established between use of Endosulfan in PCK plantations and health problems reported in Padre village.

2. Aerial spraying of pesticides may be allowed in case of national exigencies after permission of the Central Insecticides Board.

3. The application of all pesticides including Endosulfan is to be done adhering to regulatory stipulations in force from time to time.

4. The pesticides manufacturers should take necessary steps to promote & educate sellers & users to ensure correct and safe use of all pesticides.

5 Since India has adequate pre-registration data requirement and post registration review processes concerning use of pesticides, it is recommended that science based responses be made available to all stake holders and general public by registration authorities. There is often a huge gap between perception of the risk and actual scientific risk assessment. This gap is to be filled by proper and timely propagation of knowledge & information.

6 It is also recommended to conduct a comprehensive, well designed & detailed health & epidemiological study in the entire cashew plantation areas of Kerala to ascertain the incidences of diseases in Padre vis-a vis other relevant locations in Kerala State to investigate and if possible pin-point the probable factor that are responsible for alleged health problems at Padre.

7 Use of Endosulfan is not clearly linked to the alleged health problems in Kasargod district of Kerala. However, considering the apprehensions in the minds of the public in Kerala, the Committee recommends that it would be better if use of Endosulfan is kept on held in Kerala.

8 Finally, after considering all above factors and available reports, it is recommended that use of Endosulfan be continued as per provisions of Insecticides Act, 1968.

( S.R. Gupta) (Jyothi Lal)
Deputy Director General (PFA) Director, Agriculture, Kerala State
Member Member

(P.N. Maji) (R.B.L. Bhaskar)
Addl. Industrial Adviser Joint Director (Bio)
Member Secretary

( C.D Mayee)
Agriculture Commissioner

Victims in Kerala India

There are several other factors prevalent in Kerala, which are known to produce ill-effects such as still birth, brain damage, impaired school performance, retarded physical development etc. Such factors could be iodine deficiency, consanguineous marriages, malnourishment etc.

Iodine is a constituent of thyroid hormone, which is essential for normal physical development as well as development of brain. Deficiency of thyroid hormone leads to severe retardation of growth and maturation of almost all organ systems. Iodine deficiency disorder has been described as the world’s single-most significant cause of preventable brain damage and mental retardation.

The iodine deficiency disorder was highly prevalent in India. An easy way to control iodine deficiency disorder is by use of iodized salt. To overcome the problem, Government of India took a decision to adopt ‘universal iodization of salt’ in the country. It was made mandatory that only iodized salt should be sold for food purpose.

By 1996, almost all state governments, except Kerala, had issued ban notification on sale of non-iodized salt for food purpose. Kerala government could not issue such notification because of resistance from activists. Here is an example of their reaction against the ban. “Banning non-iodized salt is a WHO-sponsored multinational scientific conspiracy to poison us. There are other health problems like anemia and malaria which affect our country more than goiter.” For more details, visit

Another most important factor responsible for the said ill-effects alleged to have been caused by Endosulfan, is in fact consanguineous marriages taking place in those villages i.e., marriage between two relatives who share common ancestor. There is an overwhelming possibility of consanguineous parents having an unhealthy child. Survey results from many sources have identified a linkage between consanguinity and spontaneous abortion and other health complications in children. According to the Hindu Marriage Act, consanguineous marriages are considered to be void marriages.

Surprisingly, in spite of being a medical practitioner, it never occurred to Mohan Kumar that the said ill-effects in Kasargod could have been caused by such factors. He linked all ill-effects, whatsoever, only with Endosulfan. He did not make even an attempt to consider any other factor responsible for the said ill-effects. Mohan Kumar jumped to the conclusion that the insecticide is the culprit. Moreover, whenever he could not diagnose a disease, he linked the symptoms with endosulfan. Instead of treating poor patients for their diseases, he is misleading them.

Mr. Shree Padre of Kerala, along with Mohan Kumar initiated a campaign against Endosulfan. The said campaign was neither based on sound logic nor on scientific principles. Both of them visited the village and conducted slide-shows on alleged ill effects of Endosulfan, showing pictures of patients suffering from various abnormalities such as cancer, congenital abnormalities etc., despite the fact that Endosulfan is not carcinogenic.

Mohan Kumar wrote a letter to Centre For Science and Environment (CSE), which is a Delhi based NGO, about high incidences of cancer deaths and deformities in the village.

CSE carried out various tests and obtained results which were obviously contrary to the scientifically determined properties of Endosulfan. CSE published these faulty results on its website.

CSE found up to 8.95 ppm Endosulfan II in filtered water sample from Kasargod. However, Solubility of Endosulfan II at room temperature is only 0.33 ppm.

Thus CSE found 27.12 times higher amount of Endosulfan compared to its actual solubility in water !!

CSE published faulty results on its own website and it also helped Down To Earth Magazine in publishing these faulty results. Publication is their business and they publish anything for drawing attention to sell their magazine, be it an absolutely misleading article.

The mistakes in results of tests carried out and published by CSE were brought to the notice of the Director of CSE, Ms. Sunita Naraian, but she had a willful disregard to accept the facts and correct her mistakes.

Endosulfan - Importance in Agriculture

Endosulfan is an insecticide which has been widely used in Australia for over 30 years. The agricultural industry and State agricultural authorities advise that endosulfan is extremely important to agriculture, and for some crop/pest situations there are no alternatives at all or none which work as well.

A simple ban of endosulfan could lead to other problems. This is because endosulfan has relatively low toxicity to many species of beneficial insects, mites and spiders (that is, ones which prey upon or parasitise damaging insect pests). Other chemicals, necessarily substituted for endosulfan, would kill beneficial insects leading to population explosions of damaging pests which in turn would require more frequent sprays of harsher chemicals than if endosulfan had been used in the first place.

In addition, because endosulfan is from a different chemical class than almost all other available insecticides, its use is very important for slowing the development of insecticide resistance to the other chemicals. Loss of endosulfan would, therefore, also lead to more insecticide use due to increasing resistance among insect pests. The net result is greater overall danger to agricultural workers and to the environment.

Funds for Anti-Endosulfan Campaign

Thanal Conservation Action And Information Network has received a grant of $5,000/- from Global Green Grants Fund
( please see page 19 ) to support medical and educational efforts to 'protect' people in kerala from continued exposure to Endosulfan and other pesticides. Under pretense of such "protection", activists are launching anti-ecdosulfan campaigns for misleading innocent people.

Fabricated False Evidence against Endosulfan

Activists have created stories and have fabricated false evidence against Endosulfan. Obviously they were funded for carrying out campaigns against Endosulfan.

Many useful products like Endosulfan have become off-patent today, in due course of time. As anyone can manufacture these products, there is competition in the market. Consequently, these products have become available at an affordable price, and poor consumers are benefited. But some companies launch a campaign against such off-patent products through activists, with a view to prejudice people and impose a ban on such products. The result will be that, the off-patent products will be off-market. On one hand, the consumers will suffer as they will have to pay high price for patented products, and on the other hand, the small industry will also suffer, as the off-patent products which they manufacture will be banned with the help of activists.

Ban on Endosulfan is meaningless

The ban on Endosulfan is meaningless. There is either very little or no agricultural activity in counties where Endosulfan is banned, or the use of Endosulfan in those countries was negligible. For example, in Europe only 201 tonnes of Endosulfan was used when it was banned. all other countries where it is banned, the land used for agriculture is very insignificant. In some of the counties like Singapore, there is practically no agricultural activity. In countries like Bahrain, Belize, St. Lucia etc., where Endosulfan is banned, the irrigated land is hardly 30-40 sq. km. In six other countries it is 130-750 sq km. In four countries it is 1k to 9k sq km and in one country it is 16k sq km.
Therefore there was nothing to lose in banning Endosulfan in those countries when the activists published wrongful information on Endosulfan. The authorities did not find it necessary to verify the statements made by activists as it was not going to make any difference in those countries!

US EPA has classified Endosulfan under the class of non-carcinogenic substances i.e., class-E. The activists created stories stating Endosulfan as "cancer causing substance" to draw attention of public.
In fact Endosulfan is very important substance as there are no viable alternatives for many of its uses

Endosulfan and Endocrine Disruption - A review of published literature

A review of published literature on the subject “Endosulfan and Endocrine Disruption: Human Risk Characterization” has been prepared for Makhteshim Agan of North America by Laura Plunkett, Ph.D., DABT, Integrative Biostrategies, LLC, Houston, Texas.


In vitro studies:

In the literature reporting in vitro data, in all cases, the in vitro screening studies employ a method of exposure involving direct cell contact without consideration of metabolism. This exposure method is not directly relevant to human pharmacodynamics.

In almost all cases, the estrogenic effects elicited by Endosulfan were compared with the effects produced by a hormone “estradiol”. Though the studies indicate that Endosulfan exhibits weak estrogenic activity, the effects are seen at doses of Endosulfan much higher (105 – 106 times) than the doses of estradiol that would have produced similar effects. Such levels of Endosulfan are much higher than what might be encountered in the environment. Hence these levels are not relevant for risk assessment. Potency of Endosulfan is found to be very low compared to even natural phytoestrogens present in human diet.

In vivo studies:

None of the in vivo studies reported are based on design same or similar to that of Tier 1 or Tier 2 assays proposed by EPA.

As per the studies, high dose exposures to Endosulfan may be a risk for toxicity to male reproductive organs, these levels of exposure are not available in the environment.

The testicular effects in animals were associated with high doses of Endosulfan.

Binding potency of Endosulfan to estrogen receptors as determined ex vivo was found to be many orders of magnitude lower than the binding affinity of the natural hormone estradiol.

Effects in Humans:

Data on actual exposure is inferred, not directly measured. Therefore available data cannot be used for human health risk assessment in any scientifically defensible method.

Developmental toxicity studies:

In the developmental toxicity studies, Endosulfan treatment during the period of organogenesis of the developing fetus did not affect the development of the endocrine system.

In the case of studies reporting effects on steroidogenesis and hormone levels, the effects were also shown to be reversible.

Issue of synergism:

The results were not reproducible Hence synergy is not issue of concern.


“After considering all available data, the weight-of-the-evidence indicates the Endosulfan is not an endocrine-disrupting compound at environmentally relevant concentrations.”

Anti-Endosulfan Campaign

One of the campaigns launched through activists is footed on absolutely misleading information. It is a piece of ‘gang work’ which appears to have been sponsored by competing companies who may be interested in promoting their high-priced patented products by way of wrongfully replacing off-patent products. There are several individuals and organisations involved in this gang work.

Mohan Kumar who practices medicine in Padre village had been observing certain abnormalities such as cancer, CNS related diseases, impaired mental functions etc. among some people of the village. He linked each and every abnormality with an off-patent product ‘Endosulfan’.

US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) has classified Endosulfan under class ‘E’, which is a class of non-carcinogenic substances. Check it yourself at
( ). This has been concluded by US EPA based on several tests conducted in this regard.

The same has also been concluded by many others. “The highest tolerated dose of Endosulfan did not cause increased incidence of tumors in mice over 18 months, and a later study also showed no evidence of carcinogenic activity in mice or rats [2,52]. It appears that endosulfan is not carcinogenic”
( ).

Of course, all substances including pesticides are toxic beyond a particular dose. Over exposure to Endosulfan causes hyperactivity, tonic contractions, involuntary muscle movements, pronounced sensitivity to noise and light, incoordination, seizures and convulsions, etc.
Therefore, while using Endosulfan, instructions on the product label should be followed. One is advised not to ignore the instructions on the label.

There are several other factors prevalent in Kerala, which are known to produce ill-effects such as still birth, brain damage, impaired school performance, retarded physical development etc. Such factors could be iodine deficiency, consanguineous marriages, malnourishment etc.

Iodine is a constituent of thyroid hormone, which is essential for normal physical development as well as development of brain. Deficiency of thyroid hormone leads to severe retardation of growth and maturation of almost all organ systems. Iodine deficiency disorder has been described as the world’s single-most significant cause of preventable brain damage and mental retardation.

The iodine deficiency disorder was highly prevalent in India. An easy way to control iodine deficiency disorder is by use of iodized salt. To overcome the problem, Government of India took a decision to adopt ‘universal iodization of salt’ in the country. It was made mandatory that only iodized salt should be sold for food purpose.

By 1996, almost all state governments, except Kerala, had issued ban notification on sale of non-iodized salt for food purpose. Kerala government could not issue such notification because of resistance from activists. Here is an example of their reaction against the ban. “Banning non-iodized salt is a WHO-sponsored multinational scientific conspiracy to poison us. There are other health problems like anemia and malaria which affect our country more than goiter.” For more details, visit

Another most important factor responsible for the said ill-effects alleged to have been caused by Endosulfan, is in fact consanguineous marriages taking place in those villages i.e., marriage between two relatives who share common ancestor. There is an overwhelming possibility of consanguineous parents having an unhealthy child. Survey results from many sources have identified a linkage between consanguinity and spontaneous abortion and other health complications in children. According to the Hindu Marriage Act, consanguineous marriages are considered to be void marriages.

Surprisingly, in spite of being a medical practitioner, it never occurred to Mohan Kumar that the said ill-effects in Kasargod could have been caused by such factors. He linked all ill-effects, whatsoever, only with Endosulfan. He did not make even an attempt to consider any other factor responsible for the said ill-effects. Mohan Kumar jumped to the conclusion that the insecticide is the culprit. Moreover, whenever he could not diagnose a disease, he linked the symptoms with endosulfan. Instead of treating poor patients for their diseases, he is misleading them.

Mr. Shree Padre of Kerala, along with Mohan Kumar initiated a campaign against Endosulfan. The said campaign was neither based on sound logic nor on scientific principles. Both of them visited the village and conducted slide-shows on alleged ill effects of Endosulfan, showing pictures of patients suffering from various abnormalities such as cancer, congenital abnormalities etc., despite the fact that Endosulfan is not carcinogenic.

Mohan Kumar wrote a letter to Centre For Science and Environment (CSE), which is a Delhi based NGO, about high incidences of cancer deaths and deformities in the village.

CSE carried out various tests and obtained results which were obviously contrary to the scientifically determined properties of Endosulfan. CSE published these faulty results on its website

CSE found up to 8.95 ppm Endosulfan II in filtered water sample from Kasargod. However, Solubility of Endosulfan II at room temperature is only 0.33 ppm

Thus CSE found 27.12 times higher amount of Endosulfan compared to its actual solubility in water !!

To show that the area where Endosulfan is used is highly contaminated with this insecticide, CSE has reported as high as 161.08 ppm of Endosulfan in blood sample, and the person is still alive!!
However, this is not possible. First and foremost, Endosulfan undergoes hydrolysis i.e., it degrades in presence of water. Secondly, it is highly improbable that the concentration of Endo in blood can build up to this high level. In one post-mortem report of 5 persons who were accidentally exposed to very high levels of Endosulfan, blood of these victims of fatal accident showed a concentration of 0.199 ppm. It shows that CSE has exaggerated matter to the extent that it reported a concentration up to 161.08 ppm of Endosulfan in blood sample of persons which are still alive. Even if this result of CSE is assumed to be true, it only indicates that Endosulfan is less toxic than reported in the literature.
Russell et al. have discovered an enzyme which degrades Endosulfan (patent application WO 03104271). Endosulfan cannot be regarded as persistent organic pollutant as it undergoes degradation by soil microorganisms. Endosulfan is degradable by soil microorganisms. As many as 16 soil fungi, 15 soil bacteria and 3 actinomycetes were found to degrade Endosulfan, as reported way back in 1976 (Rainer et al., Applied and Environmental Microbiology, June 1976, p. 853-858). In comparison with the majority of other chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides, Endosulfan is readily degraded in both plant and animal systems.

The mistakes in results of tests carried out and published by CSE were brought to the notice of the Director of CSE, Ms. Sunita Naraian, but she had a willful disregard to accept the facts and correct her mistakes. She seems to be a determined evildoer. Instead of correcting her mistakes, she made and published dirty allegations against the manufacturers of Endosulfan.

What could be the reason behind such behavior? If the objective of CSE and its activist Director is to work in public interest and to protect the Environment, why they are launching campaign which, to the best of their knowledge, is footed on misleading information ??

Endosulfan is safe to bees and beneficial insects

Endosulfan exhibits low toxicity to bees and beneficial insects ).
Endosulfan has relatively low toxicity to many species of beneficial insects, mites and spiders. These insects are beneficial in the sense that they prey upon pests which damage crops. Hence it is important that the insecticide used to kill pests is not unsafe to these beneficial insects. Other chemicals, necessarily substituted for endosulfan, would kill beneficial insects leading to population explosions of damaging pests which in turn would require more frequent sprays of harsher chemicals than if endosulfan had been used in the first place.

Endosulfan and Cancer - US EPA

US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) has classified Endosulfan under class ‘E’, which is a class of non-carcinogenic substances. This has been concluded after several tests conducted in this regard.
The same has also been concluded by many others. “The highest tolerated dose of Endosulfan did not cause increased incidence of tumors in mice over 18 months, and a later study also showed no evidence of carcinogenic activity in mice or rats [2,52]. It appears that endosulfan is not carcinogenic”
( ).

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Endosulfan Banned

The ban on Endosulfan is meaningless. There is either very little or no agricultural activity in counties where Endosulfan is banned, or the use of Endosulfan in those countries was negligible. For example, in Europe only 201 tonnes of Endosulfan was used when it was banned.
In all other countries where it is banned, the land used for agriculture is very insignificant. In some of the counties like Singapore, there is practically no agricultural activity. In countries like Bahrain, Belize, St. Lucia etc., where Endosulfan is banned, the irrigated land is hardly 30-40 sq. km. In six other countries it is 130-750 sq km. In four countries it is 1k to 9k sq km and in one country it is 16k sq km.
Therefore there was nothing to lose in banning Endosulfan in those countries when the activists published wrongful information on Endosulfan. The authorities did not find it necessary to verify the statements made by activists as it was not going to make any difference in those countries!
Endosulfan is not carcinogenic.
US EPA has classified Endosulfan under the class of non-carcinogenic substances i.e., class-E. The activists created stories stating Endosulfan as "cancer causing substance" to draw attention of public.
In fact Endosulfan is very important substance as there are no viable alternatives for many of its uses.