Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Victims in Kerala India

There are several other factors prevalent in Kerala, which are known to produce ill-effects such as still birth, brain damage, impaired school performance, retarded physical development etc. Such factors could be iodine deficiency, consanguineous marriages, malnourishment etc.

Iodine is a constituent of thyroid hormone, which is essential for normal physical development as well as development of brain. Deficiency of thyroid hormone leads to severe retardation of growth and maturation of almost all organ systems. Iodine deficiency disorder has been described as the world’s single-most significant cause of preventable brain damage and mental retardation.

The iodine deficiency disorder was highly prevalent in India. An easy way to control iodine deficiency disorder is by use of iodized salt. To overcome the problem, Government of India took a decision to adopt ‘universal iodization of salt’ in the country. It was made mandatory that only iodized salt should be sold for food purpose.

By 1996, almost all state governments, except Kerala, had issued ban notification on sale of non-iodized salt for food purpose. Kerala government could not issue such notification because of resistance from activists. Here is an example of their reaction against the ban. “Banning non-iodized salt is a WHO-sponsored multinational scientific conspiracy to poison us. There are other health problems like anemia and malaria which affect our country more than goiter.” For more details, visit http://krpcds.org/w41.pdf

Another most important factor responsible for the said ill-effects alleged to have been caused by Endosulfan, is in fact consanguineous marriages taking place in those villages i.e., marriage between two relatives who share common ancestor. There is an overwhelming possibility of consanguineous parents having an unhealthy child. Survey results from many sources have identified a linkage between consanguinity and spontaneous abortion and other health complications in children. According to the Hindu Marriage Act, consanguineous marriages are considered to be void marriages.

Surprisingly, in spite of being a medical practitioner, it never occurred to Mohan Kumar that the said ill-effects in Kasargod could have been caused by such factors. He linked all ill-effects, whatsoever, only with Endosulfan. He did not make even an attempt to consider any other factor responsible for the said ill-effects. Mohan Kumar jumped to the conclusion that the insecticide is the culprit. Moreover, whenever he could not diagnose a disease, he linked the symptoms with endosulfan. Instead of treating poor patients for their diseases, he is misleading them.

Mr. Shree Padre of Kerala, along with Mohan Kumar initiated a campaign against Endosulfan. The said campaign was neither based on sound logic nor on scientific principles. Both of them visited the village and conducted slide-shows on alleged ill effects of Endosulfan, showing pictures of patients suffering from various abnormalities such as cancer, congenital abnormalities etc., despite the fact that Endosulfan is not carcinogenic.

Mohan Kumar wrote a letter to Centre For Science and Environment (CSE), which is a Delhi based NGO, about high incidences of cancer deaths and deformities in the village.

CSE carried out various tests and obtained results which were obviously contrary to the scientifically determined properties of Endosulfan. CSE published these faulty results on its website.

CSE found up to 8.95 ppm Endosulfan II in filtered water sample from Kasargod. However, Solubility of Endosulfan II at room temperature is only 0.33 ppm.

Thus CSE found 27.12 times higher amount of Endosulfan compared to its actual solubility in water !!

CSE published faulty results on its own website and it also helped Down To Earth Magazine in publishing these faulty results. Publication is their business and they publish anything for drawing attention to sell their magazine, be it an absolutely misleading article.

The mistakes in results of tests carried out and published by CSE were brought to the notice of the Director of CSE, Ms. Sunita Naraian, but she had a willful disregard to accept the facts and correct her mistakes.

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